Toward Personalized Treatment for Osteochonritis Dissecans based on Genomic and Micro-CT Imaging

PI’s: Gregory Gibson

The purpose of this project is to develop and evaluate the first mobile platform decision support tool for behavioral feeding intervention to address chronic feeding problems in pediatric populations that is manual-based and technology-supported. Twenty children ages 13 to 72 months (12 boys and 8 girls) received treatment for 5 consecutive days in a day treatment program (n=10) or waitlist (n=10). Primary outcome measures were bite acceptance, disruptions, and grams consumed during meals. The intervention group showed significantly greater improvements (P<0.05) on all primary outcome measures (d=1.03–2.11) compared with waitlist.

In the multi-year study, we examine multi-year longitudinal utilization profiles using the claims files from years 2005 – 2009, allowing for analysis of a larger number of healthcare visits and transitions between care events over several years of care.  In this study, we also considered the timing between different care events.  Similar to the annual study, the outputs consists of clustering of patients according to their longitudinal utilization of the care system.

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