Tool to Track Asthma Care Flow Process

PI’s: Rahul Basole

We are developing methods and tools to identify, analyze, visualize, and improve healthcare delivery processes (careflows). We will leverage existing digital clinical, financial, and administrative data to (1) computationally understand complex careflow processes with their associated costs and outcomes and (2) determine variations in these processes by provider, provider types, patient strata, and health contexts. Our approach is condition and care venue agnostic but, for this phase, we will focus our careflow analysis for pediatric asthma in the emergency department (ED). Our methods and tools will enable clinicians to understand pediatric asthma careflow delivery processes, their variations, and the impact of these variations on outcomes and cost of care. We will focus our efforts on understanding the impact and efficacy of pediatric asthma care pre- and post-pathway introduction in October 2013. Our solution will provide important insights into the adherence to and potential enhancement of pediatric asthma guidelines in the ED.

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